Matthew 7:24
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
Isaiah 28:16
Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’”
1 Corinthians 3:10-11
According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
"They word" by Amy Grant
Happy Seventeenth Day of Thanks Everyone!
I love it when I am prepared to minister something and God just takes over and switches everything up so that the people who are listening get exactly what they need.
Today, Freedom Friday, is my day to pray and/or minister to my 6 am prayer community. I awoke at 4:30 am, in war mode, as I heard the voice of one of my spiritual mentees yelling in a loud screeching voice "Ms. Melissa, heeeeeelp" as if imminent danger was present and certain. I simultaneously prayed and called her to see what was happening. Since I pray until whatever I feel breaks in the spirit, I prayed for her for about an hour concerning that issue. Then, seconds later I felt this heaviness in my heart. I asked my spiritual mentee/friend why her heart was heavy and gave her safe space to share so that we could lay the new issue on the altar and pray about it as well.
Because we talked and prayed until 6:00 am exactly, I didn't have the worship music set to screen share so I was going to open my Bible to read the scriptures for the lesson I prepared. As I started to turn my Bible to the book of Isaiah, I heard the spirit say clearly to shift gears and continue ministering from the points from which I was speaking to my mentee. Earlier in the week, our prayer community was told that wellness was going to be our focus for 2023 and that we were going to equip ourselves to be whole and well. However, today, God was saying that we had to go back to the basic fundamentals of building a foundation of faith. God revealed to me that many of the prayer community members had a prophetic word that had been spoken over their lives but the enemy had convinced them, like he did Adam and Eve, to doubt that God's word was believable and planted in their minds that whatever was spoken was not going to happen. Because of the lies they believed, many had cracks in their foundation and were at a stand still in many aspects of their lives.
That doubt completely destroyed their faith and was a big impediment to allowing their prophetic word to come to fruition, which means they could not walk into their destinies. No house that is supposed to endure can be built on a shaky or cracked foundation! No new levels can be built on unstable old levels.
I took excerpts from a sermon I had preached earlier in the year about faith. I focused on "Conviction," which was one third of the equation I had given for faith. One must have a conviction of who God says He is and that God's word is true. In Numbers 23:19, God tells us who He is and about His character; He never lies and never speaks something without carrying out what He speaks. I told the community that if they were doubting their prophetic word or destiny, they had to examine, first, what they thought about God. We suffer from attaching the attributes of people to God. Because someone lied to us, mishandled us, abused us, often our tendency is to think that God will do the same thing. But, He won't. Psalms 119: verses 142, 151, and 160 remind us repeatedly that the word of God and His commandments are truth. 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that the scripture is breathed out of God and is good for teaching, correction, and for training in righteousness. If God gives a prophetic word, it will and can always be backed with the truth of the Gospel, Bible scripture.
As I continued to minister, I asked everyone in the community to name the thing/situation that God had spoken about but the enemy was making them think that it would not come true. Every issue that each person mentioned, there was a corresponding scripture that the Holy spirit spoke on which they needed to meditate and saturate in their spirit. We needed to renew our minds by saturating it with the word of God and by taking every lying thought captive and destroying it. The more God's word was in them, the more the word would drive out the lies of the enemy. I prayed over the community and gave them directives on saturating themselves in the scriptures that were given to them.
Now that a solid foundation on who God really is was laid, we could now build up on that stable and solid foundation to create wellness. Now since the foundation is sure and not cracked or shaky, when the enemy tries to cause doubt or the real stormy situations of life occur, we will not be shaken. We can stand firm, knowing that our destinies, God's plans and purpose for our lives, shall come to fruition and prevail.
Today, as we give thanks for solid foundations, I ask that you consider a donation to my prayer community, Jesus Juice through Zelle ( or on cashapp at $JesusJuice123. It is not only a 501c3 nonprofit that prays daily, it is a faith formation community that believed in being the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching into the lives of people and local communities.
Love ya,
Have a great day of Thanks!