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A Servant's Heart


Matthew 23:11

But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.


Matthew 20:26-28

 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 27 And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”


Worship Song: “Por tus Llagas” --Barak Ft Averly Morillo

Happy Twentieth Day of Thanks Everyone!


Today I give thanks for a servant’s heart. God says that the first and the greatest are the servants.

But if I’m honest, I don’t always feel like serving others. When I’m in that state, I usually get into the presence of God and ask Him to give me the heart of a servant and the capacity to stay committed to being his hands and feet.


Just recently, my friend had a Christmas event for fathers and young men in which I was asked to serve. Several days before the event, my family buried my uncle, who was one of my favorite people on this planet. Two days before the event, my cousin died as well. My heart was aching because this was the third significant loss that my family had experienced this year starting with my mother. Additionally, I had been sick in my body for almost a month with colds, a flu, severely swollen gums, and an impacted wisdom tooth. I was fatigued.


I woke up the morning of the event telling God that I needed his help. I didn’t want to serve anybody else’s husband, father, brother, or uncle, when I no longer had my mine. I had already contributed to this event in significant ways and thought that maybe I could call my friend and tell her that I would not be coming. The idea of having to clean, prepare, and serve at an event for several hours was starting to overwhelm me and deplete the little energy I had left. I prayed, asking God to give me a servant’s heart and to teach me how to serve others, when my heart was still aching and grieving. I was with God for quite a while and committed to stay there until I had the capacity to love others like I love myself.


Shortly after I got to the event space, my friend came with cart loads of supplies that we had to carry up two flights of steps because the elevator wasn’t working yet. The job I assumed when we got upstairs was wrapping presents. Believe it or not, this gave me so much joy. One of the presents that I suggested for the fathers was a book/journal called “Tell me Your Life Story Dad.”  In September, I emailed and texted Delilah’s father asking if he would complete the journal and gift it to her for her 21st birthday.  I told him that I thought it would be a wonderful way for Delilah to get to know about him and his life from his own perspective, especially if He decides to never meet her or be part of her life. Unfortunately, although Delilah’s father received the journal, he never sent it back as a birthday gift. As one of the guest browsed through the pages of the journal, he thought there were such great questions in it and was so excited to share his life with his children and descendants.  It made me smile that generations of children would get to know their fathers and grandfathers with such a simple tool as this book. I was also responsible for filling the gift bags for the teenage and young adult males that came to the event as well. I recruited Delilah to help me so we got to bond and I got to show her how to decorate the bags and gift wrap with bows and stickers.

The actual event programming consisted of games for prizes, ten minute massages, a dialogue between the men and women which assimilated the conversation that Hill Harper hosted between males and females in his book “The Conversation,” entertainment by Randy Mason and food. It turned out to be so much fun. To see the smiles on the men’s faces as they played the games and to hear them speak from the heart and give relational advice to the women was extraordinary. The men were even more excited about getting presents and not having to leave the event empty handed.


I was so blessed, definitely beyond what I could have thought or imagined. The sorrow that I felt upon waking up that morning dissipated, seeing the joy in the faces of the many young and adult men. Their words of wisdom served as nuggets that I will take into my future relationships. Knowing that serving the men during this event contributed to them being better men to themselves and their communities, better fathers to their children, and better husbands to their wives, made me feel so good. While I may not have been able to convince or influence Lilah’s father to be present in her life, through that journal, many of the fathers at that event will know and understand just how vital they are to their families and societies.

My servant’s heart allowed me to be served and gain the greater reward.


Today as we give thanks for a servant’s heart, I invite you to think of a person or event where you are needed and can volunteer to serve for several hours. Commit to serve and watch how your service will reward you.


Love Ya,


Have a Great Day of Thanks!

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