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Updated: Nov 27, 2021

Day 2: God’s Way


Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

Proverbs 19:21 We may make a lot of plans, but the Lord will do what he has decided.

Song: "Your way is better" by Seychelle Ellis

Happy Second Day of Thanks Everyone!

Today, I give thanks for God having His Way in my life. Sometimes, it is not easy to wait for God’s plan to manifest or to follow the strategy that God gives me, when I want to do it my way. But, thank God, His will is perfect and prevails and trumps everything and anything I can think or plan.

As many of you know, I only have one biological daughter. However, God has chosen to bless me with hundreds of spiritual children who I nurture the same as my biological one. (And most times I want to yoke them up the same way I want to yoke up Lilah when they get on my nerve!) They get nurtured and pushed to their excellence just like Lilah, although they sometimes secretly want to "deck" (aka punch) me, curse me out, roll their eyes and suck their teeth, and rebel while we are having our "real talk" conversations and counseling sessions when I am shutting down their vain imaginations and fantasies that are leading them into error and I'm asking them for the answers to hard questions that stretch them into growth and maturity. With all the protesting they do, you'd think I would have gotten rid of them by now. But, any good parent knows that you have to endure the race because a great breakthrough of harvest will always come, if good seeds have been planted and watered correctly.

In the first week of October, I experienced a major breakthrough with Lilah as she learned her vocabulary words and recognized them as she was reading a sentence. I could not stop crying tears of joy for three days. Coupled with this breakthrough, one of my spiritual daughters called me a day later and mentioned that she too had a breakthrough. This was a big deal and cry worthy too. She had finally surrendered her expectations and submitted to God’s way.

The story, which is a typical one, goes like this. She was in love with someone and months prior, with my prophetic hat on, she asked me to pray about it with her and talk to her about it.

(This is the perfect time for me to mention a disclaimer or go into an aside. Notice that I said, she is my spiritual daughter, we have a tested, tried and true relationship. I had my prophetic hat on and that I was asked to pray and speak to her about what I heard. Be careful of people who sit in the office of a prophet(tess) or have a prophetic gift/calling/anointing who have not purified their gift before the Lord but wants to prophet-lie, manipulate or control your life. Prophetic words/utterances that are given to you should be those that confirm what God has already spoken to you (ie. edify you), that click in your Holy-ghost filled spirit, and can be backed by the word of the Lord (bible). The bible says to "try the spirit by the Spirit." Do not let someone operating in a Jezebel/witchcraft spirit manipulate or control you and speak over your life. Since I think I've been very clear, I'll leave this topic here and get back to the story.)

We prayed and I told her that God said that the man she was in love with was exactly who God had approved for her but she couldn't be with him now because it was not the right timing yet. God had to clean him up and prepare this gentleman to be ALL that he needed to be for her. God had to teach him how to be a man of God, how to be a husband and a father, how to be a provider and, most importantly, how to love himself so that he could in turn love her. Of course, no matter the continual warning about timing, my daughter wanted what she wanted, when she wanted it and thought she was going to pursue what she wanted in her timing instead of the Lord's. Big mistake! And I'm sure I really don't have to tell you the end result because you already know-- she fell flat on her face and bumped her upper lip in the process of taking matters into her own hands. (Did you like how I put in our little inside joke, Nowa?)


(Now, pretend like I have a bull horn screaming into your ear this time.) THE TIMING OF GOD IS EVERYTHING! There is a reason why God tells and makes us to wait for some things.

Bruised mentally and emotionally, after doing it her way, she was finally ready to admit that following God's way and plans are better. Humbled, now she was ready to surrender her expectations of wanting the man she loved to want exactly what she wanted. She realized that he had to want to be a better person. He had to want their future. He had to want to love her better and God's way. He had to want better for himself and his life. She couldn't be the only one wanting that for both of them.

And so, she surrendered. She gave her will and her expectations over to the Lord and let Him have lordship over them and her emotions. Her rush and angst to be married by a certain time subsided and she was willing to let God do the necessary work in the man that she loved, no matter the length of time that it took.

In such a short time, she was able to witness a turn around. She saw a sincerity in the heart of the man she loved to want to know God and give his life to the Lord. She saw this young man realize that he had not loved her the way he said or thought because he did some "unspeakable" things that he should have never done and now for which he wanted to be really forgiven. She was even able to have sincere conversations about the "hard" topics of their situationship without them provoking wrath, strife, shouting, anger and complete shut down by both parties. This is what happens when we surrender our expectations and wait for God's timing to unveil a thing or person.

If we just let go, imagine what is waiting for us on the other side of the thing? Of course, all of this is easier said than done. Our fleshly nature wants to rise up and think we know what's best, but if experience has taught us anything, God's way is better.

Imagine all of the heartache you could have spared yourself and still spare yourself if you wait for God's timing? Imagine all of the diseases and unwanted/aborted pregnancies you could have spared yourself if you waited for God's timing? Imagine the wonderful marriage and family you could have had (and could still have) if you waited for God's timing? Imagine the sickness resulting from bitterness in your body you could have spared yourself if you waited for God's timing? I ask you all this not to fill you with guilt trips and shame but to shine the light on how perfect and wonderful God's way and timing is and how much we can avoid the really bad stuff in our lives if we heed to his way and plan.

The great thing about where we are (I'm included) is that, in this very moment, if the scales have been taken off of our eyes and we realize the bad choices that we are making, we have time to repent (meaning =change our ways/thoughts/ideals completely) and surrender lordship of our lives to the Lord and do things God's way so we can get out of that bad situation, abuse, or other craziness that we find ourselves in. If we let God into our situation and give Him complete control, he will give us clear direction and show us how to navigate ourselves out of the maze in which we find ourselves. As I often say, if you have tried everything else and realized that it hasn't worked for you, you've missed the only option and choice that you haven't tried. Try Jesus! His way is not easy but it guarantees you the best of everything you could possibly desire.

Today as we give thanks for God's way, I ask that you consider giving your life to Jesus Christ. Consider allowing Him to come into your heart and have Lordship over your entire life (ie. dreams, thoughts, education, career, money, family, children and ambitions). You don't need to do anything fancy but sincerely invite him in and ask Him to show you that He is real.

Next, I ask you to consider blessing a temple who is doing the incredible work of God, changing lives in the community in which it dwells by either volunteering and/or giving a donation. The three ministries that are in my heart are The Potter's House North Dallas (, New Life Covenant Southeast ( and Transformation Church ( which are shepherded by Pastor Sheryl Brady, Pastor John Hannah and Pastor Mike Todd respectively. However, you may have your own. Donate your time and money to it. Be blessed.

Love Ya,

Have a great day of Thanks!

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