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Knee Preparation


Psalms 95:6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!

Luke 22:41-42 And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”

Daniel 6:10 When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously.

Ephesian 3: 14-18 When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

Song: “Great Work” by Brian Courtney Wilson,

Happy Third Day of Thanks Everyone!

Today I am giving thanks for knee preparation. For those of you who don’t know me, you should know that I can and usually do spend countless hours in prayer. When I was younger, I’d spend hours on my knees in prayer. Now, most often, I will walk and pray. But, there are still moments in prayer that the reverence, humility and surrender that I want to have before my Heavenly Father invokes me to kneel down or even bow down on my knees and pray before God.

I never knew how invaluable my ability to stay on my knees for long periods of time in prayer would work in my favor in other instances of my life.

Last September, my daughter fell face first onto the floor in one of her seizures. The first twenty seconds of that seizure were the worst nightmarish moments I had ever experienced during one of Lilah’s seizures. There was a pool of blood gushing as her face was still on the floor. My fight-flight response and a surge of adrenaline kicked in. While I was praying, I had to position Lilah on her side during the seizure for choking precautions but also had to assess, while she was in the tonic-clonic gestures of the seizure, where all the blood was coming from. As, I inspected her mouth, one of her teeth had been completely ripped out from the root. Several others were cracked in multiple ways and blood was pouring out. Her seizure finally stopped. It allowed me to search for her missing teeth and put them in a baggie in almond milk (I didn’t have regular milk), call the ER to see if they had dental services, and clean up all the blood. God answered my prayer for Lilah to quickly gain her strength back because I had the task of carrying her to the bathroom to clean her up and then get her to the Emergency Room. Luckily, my friend was driving towards the ER and committed to take us there. We spent several hours in the ER with a wonderful dental intern putting temporary fixtures in Lilah’s mouth until we could get her to the dental clinic several days later to begin the process of permanent work.

For the next six months, each time we went to the dentist to repair Lilah’s teeth, which was very often, I would spend at least two hours on my knees holding Lilah’s hand and/or assisting the dentist with instruments as she repaired Lilah’s mouth. The work the dentist had to do was gruesome and required accuracy and precision as she built up Lilah’s teeth from the stubble that was now in her mouth. The tooth which was ripped from the root had to undergo a complete root canal. Lilah didn’t want any numbing or anesthesia as part of her process. The dentist was nervous that Lilah would be in so much pain so she wanted me to be by her side holding her hand and to comfort her. I was just devastated that her smile was damaged by the loss of her teeth and knew she would need her smile for her future work. It was definitely the grace and mercy of God that brought us through those six months and gave us the best dentists to handle Lilah’s mouth.

During one of our first visits, the nurse technician commented, “I have no idea how you manage to be comfortable on your knees for this long.” My replay was, “I have had a lot of practice in prayer.” She said, “wow, you pray for that long?” I responded, “yes, very often.” A few visits later the tech disclosed that she thought I was joking when I said that I got practice for the dental visits on my knees in prayer. However, she realized that someone who could sustain themselves for hours on their knees during each dental visit as I had done had to be serious about my preparation. The tech began to ask me what were some of the things that I prayed about that kept me in prayer for so long. I mentioned that I prayed for the nations, my borough, my city and state, my family and friends, and that I usually had an extensive prayer list of requests that would come from others. She mentioned that she had some issues with her back and wondered if I would add her to the prayer list as well. We talked about her back issues extensively and I added her to the prayer list for healing. Unfortunately, for Lilah’s last dental visits, we were switched to another of the hospital’s clinics so I didn’t get to follow up with the tech to see if she received her healing. But, I believe prayer works and that God listens to and answers the prayers of His people. I also believe that God can and is always willing to heal.

After six long months, Lilah’s smile was completely restored as God said he would do. And I still get my regular knee preparation in several times a week as I pray, especially during the midmorning watches. God keeps my knees strong and sturdy as I surrender them to him.

Today as we give thanks for knee preparation, healthy knees and prayer, I’d like to invite you to get on your knees and pray to God about anything and everything that is on your heart. He loves to listen to His children. Next, I’d like to invite you to donate to ( Operation Walk USA,, a medical charitable organization that provides life-changing knee and hip surgeries to restore mobility and give hope to uninsured patients in the United States who require a hip or knee replacement surgery.

Love Ya,

Have A Great Day of Thanks!

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