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Quiet of the Morning


Day 27: Quiet (of the Morning)

Psalms 5:3 In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

Psalms 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

Lamentations 3:22-23 Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

"Most Beautiful" Chandler Moore

Happy Twenty Seventh Day of Thanks Everyone!

I have always been a morning person. For the last twenty plus years, I have awakened early in the morning, most times way before a sunrise, to speak to God in the quiet of the morning. Sometimes I speak to God while I am sitting still and sometimes while I'm actively getting something done. This morning as I was reflecting on this 2022 year and looking forward to the new year, I asked God to

(1) show me the situations of this year that caused pain/hurt so that I could purge my heart of their residue and walk into the new year with a clean heart,

(2) help me lay down the frustrations of waiting for the promises that have been prophetically spoken over my life,

(3) give me direction to walk into the financial prosperity and freedom that I'm seeking,

(4) heal Delilah from autism and epilepsy.

I find that as I sit in the quiet of the morning, I can be in the secret place at the altar with my Abba, Father, without distractions. There is such a peace when I speak to My Daddy and lay all my concerns before Him (Psalm 5:3) and He speaks back to me. In the stillness/quiet of those moments, our relationship is perfected and made even more intimate. At that time, there are no distractions nor the weight of other people's needs pulling at me. The wonderful thing about these moments are that My Daddy perfects and transforms me. He shows me myself and all the areas of my life that keep me from drawing closer to Him.

As I asked Him to show me the situations that hurt me/caused me pain and still had residue in my heart. He showed me the people who exposed themselves and their real hearts' posture toward me; in some cases these people did or said things outwardly that broke my heart. In other cases, God revealed their hearts towards me. The evil spirits of jealousy and envy are so horrible when they are operating in a person; they create war paths of destruction in the minds and hearts of the person, causing him/her to do and say really bad things to others. Abba showed me the residue of hurt/paint/disappointment in my heart from two particular situations.

I spent the next few moments, asking Abba to take away the things that don't show His grace and still manifest my ego in me. I asked Abba to help me forgive those people and release them so that I could be free. As Abba spoke back to me, I understood why Abba needed to reveal their intentions and their heart and remove them from my life. I couldn't take them with me as God elevated me in the many areas of my life. They were still immature and not ready for the same type of elevation. They also couldn't take credit for what God had done in my life. He alone deserved the glory for who He was transforming me to become. Unknowingly, people become witches and warlocks when they try to control/manipulate the lives of other people. Under no circumstances is that allowed in the kingdom of God. God and His kingdom operate in love, not control or manipulation. In God and His kingdom, there is kindness, gentleness, patience, and covering the flaws/sins of others. There is no weaponizing the words or actions of another person and throwing it in their face later. There is only love in God and His kingdom, and love never hurts.

I still had some laying down of things to do at the altar in that quiet space. In the stillness of the morning, neither I nor God were in a rush. I had to tell Abba that it was so hard to wait for the things that He promised. I told Him that because He showed me so many times before how He made the "impossible" possible for others through my prayers, I still didn't understand why doors weren't open for me yet, when I was knocking with the same fervent, effectual, persistent prayers and fasting and in obedience. I learned to thank God in all situations and for progress, even if it was a smidgen of progress. I learned how to pray others through and rejoice with them in their victories. I had sown financially and with my time. I asked Abba to reveal if there was something in me or on my part that was still missing, that didn't allow me to receive or maintain the promises now. Did I do something that was holding up the blessings? I also asked Abba to give me strength to continue actively waiting and not get weary in well doing.

In my quiet time with Abba, I prayed and requested the very thing for which I've been asking seventeen years: Lilahs' healing. This time, I also asked for real, divine intercessors that could reinforce my prayers. A few days ago, when we were praying for my friends brother to come home safely. There were folks that were praying bull's eye prayers around the clock for his freedom. How amazing would it be to get that type of reinforcement in prayer for Lilah. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are kingdom intercessors who pray for Lilah and I am so grateful for those prayers because they truly do allow us to press through toward her healing. But, can you imagine the level of breakthrough that Lilah would experience if the prayers for her were bombarding heaven around the clock. That is my prayer. I pray that Abba would bring those divinely connected intercessors who can pick up the torch with me and pray without ceasing for Lilah so that her miracle can happen "without delay" as it was prophesied.

I give thanks for the quiet of the morning, in the presence of My Daddy, when He hears, He speaks and He transforms me. Today, I extend the invitation for you to wake up between the hours of three a.m. and six a.m. in the quiet of the morning and speak to Abba, laying your concerns before Him, and waiting for Him to answer every concern.

Love ya,

Have a Great Day of Thanks!

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