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The Details


Day 3: Details


Luke 12:7: But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (NIV)

Psalms 139: 1-5: You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. 5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. (Message)

Song: “Indescribable”

Happy Third Day of Thanks Everyone!

Today, I give thanks to God for orchestrating and planning everything to the most minute detail.

Late in the summer, my prayer community received word that a young lady in Rochester, NY was murdered, execution style, in broad daylight. Before the perpetrators put seventeen bullets into her body, the young lady was driving with two of her children in the car. She told her children that she loved them and that she was going away. Then, she told them that when she pulled over, she needed them to run as fast as they could to the nearest adult and tell them to call the police because she would need help. When she pulled over the children got out of the car and started running as fast as they could. However, within seconds later, men pulled up to the young lady’s car and sprayed it with bullets. Her children watched her get murder as they ran to the nearest adult to beg him for help.

As my prayer community was receiving the news of this story, an overwhelming sense of grief came into my heart and the Holy Spirit told me to go into a deep travail for these children. The grief and the pain I felt in my heart was so palpable. For days, I could not stop praying and crying out for this woman’s three children. I started asking the Lord what I should do for them, individually, and how we as a prayer community could bless them.

I found out that the family was doing a GoFund Me campaign for the children and asked the Lord if he wanted me to donate to that campaign. He told me clear as day, “No!” The Holy Spirit began to speak and said, “I want you to buy them a new wardrobe of clothes that includes everything from clothes to underwear to the shoes on their feet. I want you to collect letters and cards from people within the community that will encourage them and bless them. I want them to know that there is a community that loves them, is praying for them and is going to check on them.” God even had me go on a quest to find these heart pillows from IKEA that were completely sold out throughout the country. When I couldn’t get them from anywhere, he showed me that he only wanted what I saw to be a prototype for my aunt to crotchet the heart pillows for the children.

After he gave me some of the specifics of what to buy, God spoke and said, “I don’t want you to send the items right away.” I was so confused and asked, “why?” God said, “there is and will be a great deal of publicity and people in the faces of these children right now. I need you to send the packages when all the fanfare dies down and no one is really showing up to check on them anymore. I need them to know that I still love them and am thinking about them in that moment too.”

I let the leadership in my prayer community know what God had spoken to me and asked them if they agreed with us blessing these three children. Thankfully, they did agree. I had one of the core team members reach out to the family to get the names and information, such as clothes and shoe sizes, that I would need to successfully complete this mission. I love shopping and putting together wardrobes so this was icing on the cake to bless the children and show them love through the items I would buy for them. In terms of clothes, they all got two sweat suits, at least two pair of jeans, at least 5 long sleeve shirts and at least three short-sleeved ones. They all got underwear and socks and two pajama sets. In terms of footwear, they each got a pair of dress shoes for church or a special occasion, a pair of sneakers and winter boots to weather the snowy, freezing days in upstate NY. They all got winter coats too. Among the list were personal hygiene products and children’s bibles as well. I reached out to a few organizations to see if they would bless us with items too. My friend’s daughter has an organization, Niya Cares, that blesses children who have lost one or both parents with presents. Niya gave each of the children a huge box of goodies. We got bookbags with all the necessities from a local council member. The encouragement cards also came for the children. Then came the most glorious part of all, the packing.

My friend, Chanabelle, is the gift wrapping extraordinaire. She makes everything beautiful! She came to my house with ribbons and string, index cards, an “I love you” stamp and ink along with a whole host of other things to pack the items for the children. My other friend Octavia joined our packing party shortly after Chanabelle’s arrival and we basically pulled an all-nighter to pack everything. We neatly arranged the clothing into outfits for each child; we put ribbon and bows around each set that were attached to note cards we filled with prayers, words of encouragement and scriptures. When we were done, the items were beautiful. We prayed over each item as we were wrapping them with excellence. I later gift wrapped many of the boxes in Christmas wrapping paper, as well, and prayed over all of the items again.

Initially one of our prayer leaders was going to hand deliver the packages to the children on her trip to Rochester, NY. However, a day before her trip, she unexpectedly had to cancel. With the delays in USPS, we regrouped to figure out the best way to get the six medium-sized to large-sized boxes to the children through their relatives. Alas, we were able to ship the boxes to the children’s aunt so she could get them to the children, who now lived at different relative’s houses.

I know you can only imagine the many tears of joy that were falling from my face when I got pictures of the children holding their crocheted heart pillows and opening their boxes of gifts and clothes. I felt the love and happiness emitting from the children even at my distance. I was so happy for them and overjoyed that they knew we would love on them and be with them in their life’s journey, praying with and for them.

You may wonder why I’m painting such a detailed picture of everything that happened. After I handed the boxes off to another member of our community to ship them, the Holy Spirit begin to speak to me. He said, “although the children don’t know it yet, they are about to be blessed in a way they can’t even imagine. I have been using you to orchestrate my plan to bless them. I needed you to carry out the plan with such detail because I know the things they need to hear; I know the type of wardrobe they will need to receive at the perfect time to get them through this winter. I even know that they will need those pillows to hug and embrace at night when they need to have something tangible to hold. I know everything about them. I know what their needs and desires are and I wanted every single one of them to be met.”

How awesome is our God! As today’s scriptures highlight, God knows and considers every single hair on our head. He knows our thoughts before we speak them. He knows what we need and how to get it to us at the perfect timing. Our God is always into the details when He orchestrates his best plans for us. Nothing is unturned. Nothing is left to chance. Everything is planned and orchestrated down to the most specific detail. That is how much God loves and thinks about us. Isn’t it beautiful to know that our Heavenly Father thinks about us and cares for us like that? It makes me wonder, “who am I Lord that you are so mindful of me?”

Today, as I give thanks for details, I want to highlight “In-Serenity” Organization ( Among the many amazing things that my friend Ms. Chanabelle Arriaga does, she has a small business that helps people clean, declutter and organize their homes, closets and offices. She is very thorough and detail-oriented in creating spaces and homes of serenity for anybody who wants and needs. If you need a detailed and organized space of serenity, consider hiring her. She even has 20- minute free consultation ( that she does for potential clients. Seriously, if you need detailed organization in your spaces, look no further because she can and will provide that.

Love ya,

Have a Great Day of Thanks!

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