Psalms 47: 1-3
Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise! For the Lord Most High is awesome. He is the great King of all the earth. He subdues the nations before us, putting our enemies beneath our feet.
Psalms 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.
Song Praise by Elevation Worship
Happy Fifth Day of Thanks Everyone!
In January 2023, a friend decided that she wanted us to have a worship encounter celebration for her birthday. It would be a night where we would surrender all to God and spend the night worshipping Him so that He could inhabit the praise of His people.
During that morning, God gave me specific instructions for several people as well as for myself to follow before entering into the physical location of the worship encounter. He told me to tell several people to come to the worship night for the healing for which they had been waiting. He told me to call one of my spiritual daughters and tell her to bring her mother to the Encounter Night. Her mother had been engaged in years of witchcraft practices through religious belief and she was fervently praying that God would break those mindsets off of her mother and that her mother would come to the Lord and be saved. Then, The Lord told me to thoroughly clean and disinfect a particular area of my house. He said that I was not to stop or leave my house until that area was completely clean and “purified.” The Lord told me that as I cleaned that area, he would use it as a prophetic act that symbolized how he was cleaning and purifying my vessel/temple for the miracles, signs and wonders that He wanted to do through me during the Worship Encounter.
As always, I obeyed and watched the Lord do amazing things that night.
Somehow, my spiritual daughter didn’t get the message to bring her mother until really late. It looked like it would be impossible to bring her mother to the Worship Encounter Celebration but her friend had encouraged her to get her mother, despite the time constraints. The birthday girl and I ran errands to get the food, do set up and set the atmosphere of the sanctuary in prayer for the Worship night. My spiritual daughter and her mother arrived at exactly 7:00pm at the start of the celebration.
We started the night by letting folks eat and settle. Next, we went into the portion of worship and watched how the presence of God inhabited the praises of His people. As I was circling the sanctuary in prayer, God begin to direct me to specific people to anoint them and pray for them. God begin to heal and deliver folks. The spirit of liberty and dance broke out throughout the night. As I finished praying for one person, the Lord said, “anoint your hands and go ask [your spiritual daughter’s] mom if you can pray for her.” I went to the mother and asked if I could pray for her as the Lord directed and she replied yes. While I was praying for her, her daughter and the birthday girl came and laid hands on her and we all began to pray for her together.
At one moment during the prayer, I prayed for the fire of the Lord to purify the mother. I felt an extreme heat rise from my hands and transfer to the mother. And suddenly she began to cry out. “I see God and my mother. I believe. I have to covert. I will convert and serve my mother’s God.” My spiritual daughter began to cry as her mother confessed those words. At that very moment, we begin to lead the mother, who was in her eighties, in prayers that allowed her to confess that Jesus is and would be her Lord from that moment on. We continued to pray and seal that eighty plus year old mother in the blood of Jesus. Then, we broke out in a worship and a praise all over the sanctuary.
“God had showed up and showed out,” as we like to say. That night, we had truly witnessed a miracle and sign that the Lord will stop at nothing to answer the prayers of His people. This eighty-year-old woman, who said that she saw God and her mother during that worship encounter, was the child of a Pentecostal pastor. Her mother, who she saw, had been praying for her to be saved for many years before she died and went to be with the Lord. This woman’s daughter who was also saved was also praying for her mother to be saved and converted from her life of sin to being a daughter of the Most High God. On that day, the Lord was answering the prayers of His righteous children who had been crying out for this woman’s soul for many years. God did not stop there. We prayed for so many more folks and watched God move mightily in their minds, emotions, hearts, and bodies. People were radically changed.
This first Worship Night in January led Jesus J.U.I.C.E., my prayer ministry to do another Worship Encounter Night in March of 2023. The leadership of the ministry experienced first hand that God does not joke or play about the consecration of our temples and the Holy things when He is ready to show up. The preparation and consecration required for the March Worship Encounter Night involved prayer teams the Lord instructed me to gather to be in around-the-clock prayer. The psalmist had to undergo many late-night sessions of deliverance and purification. The Lord spoke and declared that ‘if the psalmist/worshippers/musicians were not consecrated unto Him, they would not be allowed to minister before God’s people.” Those who thought God was playing, watched as He muzzled their mouths and didn’t allow them to sing at all. The psalmist for the night had to undergo another purification process of surrender and submission during our Worship Encounter Ceremony before he was even released to minister during the event.
Once all was set--consecration had taken place, surrender and submission given, and prayer and worship released--the Lord had His way. His presence broke out all over the sanctuary. People began to rend their hearts before Him. Many were saved and delivered from so much stuff. Those that didn’t know Jesus accepted Him into their lives. God began to heal people, physically, mentally and emotionally. He mended broken hearts that were rejected, abandoned, and abused. God nurtured and comforted those that needed it. God drew His people closer to Him in that Encounter night and renewed us in ways that mere words could not describe. That Worship Encounter Night took us all to another place in God. I know that we will never be the same.
Today as we give thanks for worship encounters, I invite you to worship God, giving Him your adoration so that He can inhabit your praise and show up in the areas of your life that you need Him most. I also invite you to join my prayer community on zoom,, as we pray Monday through Fridays at 6am and to donate to Jesus J.U.I.C.E’s ministry via zelle at and cashapp at $JESUSJUICE123. We are a faith formation community whose mission is to teach the Good news of Christ from a Black/Brown prospective emphasizing the Justice, Unity, Image of God, Community and Education of Jesus. Here is the video of the March Worship Encounter night: Enjoy!
Love Ya,
Have a Great Day of Thanks!